Sunday, 18 October 2015

Egyptian Art/ Profile Drawing

The children learned about profile drawing (side view of the face) through Egyptian art, with its all marvellous features! Apart from the facial features in side view, the children copied/ were inspired by the profile view of Cleopatra, last Queen of Egypt, with her grand head dress and detailed necklace.

Some interesting facts about Egyptian art that your children have been learning during the past couple of lessons:

  • The faces in Egyptian art are always from the side, however the body is always facing forwards. Interestingly enough, the feet face sideways. In addition, whilst the face is looking to the side, the eye view is frontal (the eye is not drawn as seen from the side, but if as seen from the front.) These are some interesting facts about the rule of perspective, which has not yet been discovered at the time.
  • In class we talked about pyramids and their use, and how the Egyptians used to equip the mummified Pharaoh in the pyramid with food, clothes, money, perfume, etc. since they believed s/he took them with her/him in the afterlife.
  • We also mentioned other factors related to Egyptians, such as the desert, Sphinx, eye kohl and black hair- all synonyms with the Egyptian era.
More photos to be uploaded next week!